Star of David
Obviously, this is not a cross. But on this sabbath day, I thought it appropriate to share a kaleidoscope Star of David that celebrates the essence of Judaism. "The LORD is One" is the foundational affirmation of Deuteronomy 6:4-9, the "Shema" (meaning "to hear"), which calls on God's people to love and follow God at all times.
Christianity has its roots in Judaism; both Christians and Jews affirm God's oneness--as do Muslims. Though divided by real and important issues as well as by mutual misunderstandings, these three great monotheistic faiths all critique and stand apart from the various forms of polytheism with which they have been surrounded.
It's significant that this image, based on multiples of 3, is formed from the same photo as "Old pickup" on my April 6 post, which, like all my crosses, is based on 4's. From the same photo comes a cross and a Star of David. The original old rusty Chevy pickup reminds us that God always works through imperfect people.
CruxPhotos collection

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