Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Abbey cemetery cross

This stone cross in the morning light marks the grave of one of the monks at Mt. Angel Abbey.

It's a cross of a cross, and perhaps the original photo is better than my alterative vision.

Christians rarely reflect on the symbolism of the crosses which they so casually wear around their necks and hang on the walls of their churches. Crucifixion was the Roman method of execution for all non-Roman citizens--for murderers, thieves, insurrectionists, and traitors. As far as the Romans were concerned, Jesus fell into those last two categories and therefore deserved to die.

It's as if Christians were wearing little electric chairs around their necks, as if every Christian church constructed a huge gallows in their sanctuary, as if Christian bookstores sold little fake lethal injection needles.

The cross is indeed a shocking thing; the Apostle Paul called it a "stumbling-block." Perhaps, when Christians begin reflecting more fully on their most popular symbol, they'll be less inclined to cheer the the various forms of government-sanctioned killing today.

I'm going to vote today. Will I find any candidates who oppose all government-sponsored killing?

See Sabbatical Crosses (and others). Order 2007 CALENDARS, prints, etc.


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